<div dir="ltr"><div id="gmail-widget-title-one" class="gmail-widget-title-home"><h3>New Core Tunes!</h3><div>I just posted a new version of the core tune book, the first change since mid-2017. There are 17 new tunes in it, and I'll be adding Little Billie Wilson (which has been in the tune book but not in use) to the rotation soon. A bunch of the tunes for February are new, so I encourage you to download the latest version of the tune book if you like to use the sheet music. I'll be finding videos or making recordings of the new tunes for the web site soon. You can get the PDF and see the list of core tunes at <a href="https://slowerthandirt.org/core-tunes/">https://slowerthandirt.org/core-tunes/</a></div><div><br></div><div><b>Bellingham Jams!</b></div><div>I'll be leading two hour-long jams at the Bellingham Folk Festival this coming Saturday, the 25th. Admission isn't free, but there are a bunch of excellent workshops and concerts at the festival, and I encourage you to check it out if you can: <a href="http://www.thebellinghamfolkfestival.com/">http://www.thebellinghamfolkfestival.com/</a></div><h3>Next Jam: February 15, Ballard, 2:00-4:00pm</h3></div> <div class="gmail-textwidget"><p>The February jam is in the meeting room of the Ballard branch of the Seattle Public Library, <a href="https://goo.gl/maps/cWMa91jnwVu">5614 22nd Ave NW</a>, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Saturday, February 15th.</p>
<p>Tunes from the <a href="https://slowerthandirt.org/core-tunes/">core repertoire</a> to be played in February are:</p>
<ul><li>Buffalo Girls (A)</li><li>Cripple Creek (A)</li><li>Soldier’s Return (A)</li><li>Old Joe Clark (A mix)</li><li>Pretty Little Shoes (A mix)</li><li>Barlow Knife (G)</li><li>Girl I Left Behind Me (G)</li><li>Seneca Square Dance (G)</li><li>Shove That Pig’s Foot… (G)</li><li>Susi’s Waltz (G)</li></ul><div><div id="gmail-text-6" class="gmail-widget-wrapper gmail-widget_text"><div id="gmail-widget-title-two" class="gmail-widget-title-home"><h3>Upcoming Jams:</h3></div> <div class="gmail-textwidget"><ul><li>January 25, <a href="http://www.thebellinghamfolkfestival.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bellingham Folk Festival</a>, 1-2pm & 4-5pm</li><li>February 15, <strong>Ballard</strong>, 2pm–4pm</li><li>March 21, <strong>Northgate</strong>, 2pm–4pm</li></ul><div>I hear this past weekend's jam was fun; I'm sorry I missed it!</div><div><br></div><div>--Josh<br></div>